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Lunchtime Concerts


27 Mar 2014 / 10 Apr 2014 Pepper Canister Church, Mount Street, Dublin 2, Dublin
More information:

Pepper Canister Church Website

Lunchtime Recitals, taking place at the Pepper Canister Church.


The Conservatory of Music and Drama at DIT invites you enjoy our annual series of lunchtime recitals in the beautiful surroundings of the Pepper Canister Church, Mount Street, from  1.10 pm to 1.50 pm on the following dates:

Thursday 27 March:  Katie Hyland (flute), Celine Kelly (Accompanist) and Adam McDonagh (Piano) perform music by Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, and more…


Thursday 03 April:  Cian Flynn (Clarinet), Emma Kenrick (Flute), Celine Kelly and Siobhan Kilkelly (Accompanists) perform music by Weber and Reinecke


Thursday 10 April:  DIT Traditional Music Ensemble


Admission: €5/€3


To download the flyer: click here.



27 Mar 2014 / 10 Apr 2014 Pepper Canister Church, Mount Street, Dublin 2, Dublin
More information:

Pepper Canister Church Website